Our Program

Our Model

Three core components influence our approach to education at Liberty LEADS.

Caring Adult Relationships:

Research shows that relationships with at least one caring adult provide “support for healthy development and learning.” At Liberty LEADS, our students develop ongoing, stable relationships with caring adults. Each student is paired with an advisor who tracks academic progress and social emotional growth over several years. This advisor ultimately becomes someone the student can count on. The advisor meets with the student and his or her family to identify their strengths and areas where they need support. Advisors frequently attend school meetings, IEP meetings, and parent-teacher conferences alongside parents and primary caregivers.

Peer Support:

Liberty LEADS encourages students to support and learn from one another. Students will share their challenges and triumphs at home and in school with their peers, which helps them connect deeply with one another. Strong peer relationships help prevent feelings of isolation and build social emotional competence.

Family Involvement:

Students’ families are our best allies. We work with students most effectively when they participate regularly in program activities and make the most of our resources. Families are essential in our efforts to provide the best support to our students during their time with us.

Successful Learning

Liberty LEADS provides an alternative learning environment that helps students achieve success as learners. Our activities and resources enhance the social skills, emotional well being, cognitive skills, and academic performance of our students. The program also reduces students’ risk of engaging in negative behavior.
  • Liberty LEADS students on a staircase
  • Liberty LEADS students do homework together
  • Liberty LEADS students with laptop
  • Students after school in the lobrary