If you would like to read eBooks through the Library’s website we suggest you find them by using the Find Books function on the Library’s homepage. Once you have some results, check Electronic Books (left-hand side box) to narrow down your list.
The Library’s sole eBook provided is EBSCOhost. In the past we also subscribed to ProQuest’s EBook Central which also went by the name of ebrary. To streamline services, the Library bought outright the titles we loved from ProQuest.
If you find an eBook in the databases, and the record asks you to sign-up for an Ebook Central account, we’re sorry it just won’t work. How do you know if an eBook record won’t work? Here are some clues. It has a link that says:
- An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web and the underlying the link uses words like libproxy and ebrary
- If you click the link Review Catalog Item, it will say 403 Not Authorized.
If you see a PDF and/or an EPUB icon in the record, you are on the right track. You should also see an a eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) hyperlink.
Unfortunately, once eBook records are placed into a database it is rather difficult to remove them. We are working with our vendor to remove records which go nowhere. But, it may take some time, so bear with us. We really appreciate your patience.