Bank Street Library Blog

Literature Reviews: Google Scholar

Google Scholar

If you are starting to collect items for a literature review, something you might want to look at is Google Scholar. Recently, Google updated its search engine so that it will look though our databases and identify what we have in full-text. I’m using the same search as I did for a recent PlumX post technology in elementary education and it returned “About 29,500 results (0.06 sec)” for items published in 2019 and onward.  You can help by logging into your Google Scholar account with your Bank Street email address, and setting up your laptop with Library Links (you only have to do this once).

Cited By

In the examples below you will notice that the articles have been cited by 21, 2, and 12 authors respectively. This gives you some idea of how popular the item is. If you click Cited by you’ll see a list of who has cited the article. There are also Related articles, and versions or other iterations of the article. On the right side of the screen there are hyperlinks to full-text articles – keep an eye out for:

  1. Full-text @ Bank Street,
  3. [PDF]

Google scholar list of articles
Quotation Marks

Click on the quotation marks icon and find a nicely (for the most part) formatted APA citation that’s ready to be pasted into your reference list.


Make Google Scholar and Find Everything on the Library’s homepage two of your go-to tools to get you started on your literature review.