Bank Street Library Blog

The MorphicBar

We’re always on the lookout for tools that can level the playing field for students with learning challenges. Enter the MorphicBar – a customizable accessibility toolbar that can help your classroom become just a little more inclusive.

What is the MorphicBar?

The MorphicBar is a flexible, user-friendly toolbar that can be added to any computer. It allows quick access to accessibility features, making it easier for students with various learning difficulties to navigate and use technology effectively.

Key Features

  • Text-to-Speech: Helps students with reading difficulties by reading text aloud. I liked that there is a way to speed up, and slow down the reading of selected text. Each mode is identified with a matching icon (tortoise – slow, and hare – fast).
  • Magnification: Assists visually impaired students or those with focus issues. This feature acts just like a magnifying glass and lets you read that fine print!
  • Color Filters: Aids students with color blindness or visual processing disorders. If you are looking for a restful way to read a computer screen then this is for you. I enjoyed the rose pink setting and the night mode. To return to the default setting just click the feature again.
  • Simplified Interface: Reduces distractions for all student

You Have to Practice

Like any new tool you will need to dedicate time to learning to use MorphicBar’s features effectively. Build some daily practice into exploring just how each tool actually works. At first I was puzzled by the Text Size feature and the Magnifier, both blow up the text but in different ways. Text Size is for viewing a whole webpage, whereas and the magnifier just small parts.

Technology is Just One Piece of the Puzzle

By incorporating the MorphicBar into your teaching toolkit, you can create a more inclusive learning environment that empowers your students with learning difficulties to reach their full potential. Don’t forget, your expertise, patience, and creativity (along with the right tools) can truly make a difference in your students’ lives!