Our Team

Xán Miñán

Alumni Engagement Manager

Xán Miñán is the alumni engagement manager in the Development and Alumni Relations Office. In his role, Xán’s primary responsibility is to manage regional and affinity-based alumni networks through the execution of alumni communications and marketing plans as well as alumni programs and events, and partners with College representatives for other alumni efforts. Prior to Bank Street, he served as an enrollment coordinator with The School at Columbia, where he led the revival of its annual alumni programming. Before that, Xán served as a Woodbridge Fellow with the Yale University Chaplain’s Office, providing administrative and operational support to the team of chaplains and their affiliates within the university. Xán holds a BA from Yale University in Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies with a focus in Education Studies and an MA from Teachers College, Columbia University in Anthropology & Education, where he focused primarily on institutional histories of higher education.