Bank Street Library Blog

WiFi Printing From an iPhone: Update 2024

This blog post is an update from How to WiFi Print From an iPhone and iPad (November 11, 2021). It’s now a little easier.

Select a Bank Street WiFi Network

Make sure you are on Bank Street’s WiFi network (i.e., student).

Open the Document You Want to Print on Your Device

In this post I am printing a Google doc from an iPhone 14. Look for a way to share your document, look for three small dots on the top right hand corner of your screen, or depending on the app it may be a small square box with an arrow pointing up. Sometimes an app may not permit printing at all.

Share & Export

Next, look for the Share & export option, this will lead you to the Options screen.

Select a Printer

From the Options screen Click “No Printer Selected” to reveal what printers are available on your network and device.

Choose One of the Library Copiers

This works for iPhones and iPads, it doesn’t matter which one you choose (but don’t choose library copiers [pc], this option is for android devices).

Type in Your Bank Street Credentials

I found this to be quite tricky as my phone was impatient and would time-out before I had time to finish, but persistence paid off. Tap OK.


Now, head over to one of our Library copiers, tap or use the use the copier’s keyboard to release your print job, and you are done!