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School for Children News

Jed Lippard with children in the Bank Street School for Children lobby

Welcome to the 2017-2018 School Year

With a bit more than a year under my belt as Dean of Children’s Programs and Head of the School for Children, I can honestly say that I am more […]

Jed Lippard

December Reflections

One of my favorite authors, Mark Twain, once professed, “Make your vocation your vacation.” While my first fall at Bank Street has been anything but a honeymoon, I can honestly […]

Jed Lippard


On the eve of my first Thanksgiving in New York and as Dean of Children’s Programs, I find myself full—both of gratitude and of the gravity of our work. What […]

12/13s learn op-ed illustration

12/13s Learn the Art of Op-Ed Illustration

David Suter, a multi-media artist renowned for his op-ed illustrations known as “Suterisms,” visited the 12/13s in November to introduce them to the power of editorial illustration. He shared examples […]

Jed Lippard

Fall Reflections

I hope this message finds you well and enjoying the onset of fall.  I, for one, am grateful for the crisper air and the less pungent odors of the street that […]

Jed Lippard

The 2016 Presidential Election

I hope that you found summer’s final unofficial weekend to be peaceful, joyful, and fulfilling. Faculty and staff had an energizing return to school last week, and we are all […]

Dean Jed Lippard with students

Welcome Back to School!

In other years and other under different circumstances, I can imagine my Back-to-School letter beginning with sentiments along the lines of “As I prepare to transition from the serenity of […]

Jed Lippard

The First Few Days

Now that the calendar pages have turned to July, I am thrilled to be on board officially as the new Dean of Children’s Programs at Bank Street College of Education. […]