
Bank Street Hosts Third Annual Alumni Weekend

In May, Bank Street hosted its third annual Alumni Weekend, welcoming back alumni from Bank Street Graduate School of Education and Bank Street School for Children for two days of special events. Organized by the Development and Alumni Relations Office (DARO), the event offered an opportunity for graduates to reconnect with old classmates, learn about new initiatives at the College, and participate in a variety of learning opportunities.

The weekend began with the Niemeyer Series, which included a performance of Why Teach? by the Epic Theatre Ensemble and a lecture by Crystal R. Sanders, Associate Professor of African American Studies at Emory University, titled “More Than Cookies and Crayons: Head Start and the Mississippi Black Freedom Struggle.”

Alumni also participated in a range of activities throughout the reunion weekend, including a meet-and-greet session hosted by the Alumni Tutoring Network, a 35-year reunion for the Principals Institute and Progressive Leadership Program, and a volleyball game. Participants also attended a reception for alumni of color, which featured a presentation titled Planting Seeds with Intention: Honoring and Encouraging the Unconventional Path Toward Growth” by Maryah E. Greene, GSE ’20, an author and plant stylist who wrote a children’s book about loss, growth, and resilience that uses plants as a metaphor to help facilitate conversations.

In addition, School for Children Alumni Class Delegates helped organize and lead activities and events, including a young alumni event that included the five-year reunion of Class of 2019 and a celebration of high school graduation for the Class of 2020. 

The weekend concluded with the annual Alumni Awards ceremony. Hosted by the Bank Street College Alumni Association (BSCAA), the awards recognize and celebrate outstanding alumni for their dedication and contributions to the field of education. The awards included the Distinguished Service Award, which was given to Hal Melnick, GSE ’74; Ida Karp Award to Eleanor Quallo; the Recent Graduate Awards, which was given to Maryah E. Greene, GSE ’20, and Luisa Celado, GSE ’22; and the Recognition Award, which was given to Lisa Ginet, GSE ’87, and Dr. Asya Johnson, GSE ’12. Following the ceremony, guests mingled over refreshments in Bank Street’s lobby.

Eric Gutierrez, Director of Alumni Relations, said, “We’re incredibly proud of the work our alumni do every day, and this event is a wonderful opportunity for Bank Street graduates from across the country, to reconnect with each other and with the College.”