Bank Street Education Center

Culture, Race, and Equity

Research shows the whole child approach to teaching and learning leads to long-term student success in school. When educators understand the powerful intersection between identity and learning, they can better develop the practices and curricula that help all students thrive. In our work with schools, cultural institutions, and learning communities, we bridge the gap between research, practice, and policy to create true inclusion and belonging in educational settings. We assess, teach, and train educators in culturally responsive practices that honor and value the full identity of students—with a focus on isolating race—and help guide participants in understanding the ways in which systemic structures and unconscious biases can perpetuate a system of harm. Through this work, we help shift the daily practices of teachers and leaders to improve equity in education for all.

Partner With Us

Educators meet around table

Our Work in Action

D3 Harlem Racial Equity in Early Grades Math Partnership
The goal of the Bank Street/D3 Racial Equity Partnership is to increase the percentage of Black students in pre-K-2nd grade who receive high-quality math instruction and are on track for success in mathematics by grade 3. Six schools in Harlem participate in a series of convenings, coaching visits, and leader meetings to focus on system-wide continuous improvement methodology that affirms Black students’ identities and supports the intentional use of culturally responsive math teaching practices.
What Our Partners Are Saying
Bank Street has provided me with the knowledge, organizational integrity, and fire to keep myself accountable to doing equity work… I feel ready to continue to bring what I have learned with my colleagues and transform our school community.
2023 Participant
CCRE (Center on Culture, Race & Equity) Collective

Our Team