Bank Street Education Center

K-12 Math Education

A strong foundation in math equips young people with essential skills for an ever-changing world and opens doors to diverse career opportunities. Math education must seamlessly blend skill and concept learning with a deep understanding of human development and each student’s unique identity.

Our approach focuses on the critical interactions among students, teachers, and content. We support educators as facilitators, guiding math learning through big ideas, innovative strategies, and practical models. We prioritize active engagement, where teachers, like students, build knowledge by doing.

We are committed to ensuring every student can succeed with rich, grade-level math content. By shifting teacher mindsets, deepening their content knowledge, and enhancing their teaching methods, we work to provide equitable math opportunities for all children and create inclusive math learning environments designed to cultivate confident and capable math learners.

In partnership with K-12 public school systems, we assess the unique strengths and challenges of leaders, teachers, and students to develop customized supports that strengthen school structures and practices. Through tailored professional learning, coaching, ongoing research, and a commitment to centering student voices, we create meaningful change in schools, promoting deeper learning, eliminating disparities in student outcomes, and building equitable math learning environments.

Partner With Us

Children and teachers engage in a math activity

Our Work in Action

High 5s Math Program
Bank Street is partnering with 20 community schools in New York City to implement High 5s, a game-based supplemental kindergarten math program designed to build on children’s natural developmental progression in math skills. Developed by the University of Michigan, High 5s provides instructors with curriculum and resources, professional development & ongoing support, the scope and sequence of activities, and weekly family notes.
What Our Partners Are Saying
I was able to engage both verbally and visually with my colleagues as well as members from other schools in the district. The experience taught me that when we collaborate as teachers, our learning is enhanced and we are then better able to teach our students.
Middle School Educator