Bank Street Education Center

Responsive Design

Bank Street’s deep focus on developing schools and communities that help all learners reach their full potential reflects our belief that education is a means to creating a more just and democratic world. Through a collaborative approach to program design, we tackle complex, longstanding challenges in education in new and innovative ways. From building school leadership capacity to supporting students’ career readiness to integrating hands-on, project-based education approaches in public school settings, our team of co-designs customized programs, fellowships, and schools from the ground up, in alignment with community and district demands to realize our vision for effective and equitable teaching and learning for all.

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Educators walk through a school hallway

Our Work in Action

Principal Innovation Fellowship
Bank Street’s Principal Innovation Fellowship supports high school leaders who are redesigning their schools to offer relevant career pathways and work-based learning opportunities for students. The fellowship supports New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) principals as they implement school models that better prepare students for postsecondary success, including career readiness and the ability to contribute to economic mobility for students whose families experience generational poverty. For the initial cohort in SY23-24, Bank Street  partnered with NYCPS to support 27 high school leaders across 4 boroughs.
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Educator holding Interdisciplinary Learning Award for Design Works High School

Our Work in Action

Design Works High School
In September 2023, Design Works High School, a new public secondary school co-developed by New York City Public Schools, Bank Street College of Education, and Pratt Institute, opened its doors in Brooklyn. Born out of New York City’s Imagine NYC Schools initiative, Design Works empowers students to become changemakers through experiential learning opportunities connected to design thinking, community development, and social justice.
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What Our Partners Are Saying
Bank Street’s Principal Innovation Fellowship is an important part of the New York City Public Schools’ efforts to transform our system so that students graduate from high school with skills, strategy, and purpose.
Jade Grieve
Chief of Student Pathways, New York City Public Schools

Our Team